It’s that Van Van again!

Van van day 2.
With our kit dried overnight( following the day 1 deluge), and an early breakfast, the team set off at around 7.20am for the longest distance day, a planned 222 miles to Tewkesbury.
However the vagaries of the several hills on the A30 meant that the team became spread out, to the point that two of the lads missed our 10am rendezous with the PGM of the Mark Province of Devonshire, RWBro David Purdie, accompanied by his Deputy, VWBro John Clendenning. Both were pleased to meet the team, and present our APGM, with a very generous cheque towards the 2024 festival. They also brought some Devonshire scones, for comparison with those brought by Cornwall, and we have to say we took a vote but couldn’t decide which was best! Nevertheless, we did enjoy the welcome, and they were both pleased to receive an official ride shirt.
Setting off from Devon, as soon the Team crossed the border into Somerset, the British weather again gave the team a good soaking, to the effect that apart from fuel stops and with no other appointments arranged, they rode on in mostly torrential conditions to their stop over point at Tewkesbury, to once again dry off their riding gear, before tomorrow’s shorter ride back into Cheshire via the A49.
Posted in 2024 Festival, Events, Latest News.