Hyde Mark Lodge Open Door Event

A Busy Period ahead in the Mark degree in Cheshire.
Now that the 2024 Festival has been concluded, the Mark brethren of Cheshire have
changed focus from fundraising, to raising positive awareness and membership as their
priority for the new season, to build on the slight increase in membership achieved last year.
The Open -door team have a busy two months ahead with four events being held, including
one by arrangement in a Royal Arch Chapter for the first time which is indicative of the close
working relationship we have with the Craft and Royal Arch Leadership.
The Open- door event is a informative and interactive presentation or talk, given in a “called
off “Lodge (or Chapter), whereby none-Mark Masons who are duly qualified can find out a bit
more about the degree, and its connection with the Craft and Royal arch- and becoming the
next logical step in masonic knowledge.
The open-door events currently planned are as follows:

  • 20th September -Hyde Lodge of Mark Master Masons, Hyde
  • 15th October – The Stayleybridge Chapter of Integrity (daylight Chapter) Hyde
  • 16th October – Walter De Hereford Mark Lodge , Northwich
  • 30th October – the Stamford Lodge of Mark Master Masons, Stockport

We have also established several teams and a contact network to see if we are able to
attend the Royal Arch Chapters in Cheshire on a quiet evening, and give a short but equally
informative talk called “Adoniram, and the Mark degree “, which again goes some way to
explain the interconnection of the Mark degree within the core masonic knowledge, again
with the hope of increasing positive awareness of our order, and from that hopefully an
increase in our membership.

If you would like to attend an open-door event, or perhaps receive the Adoniram talk in your
Chapter, please contact us on the email below and we will help as best we can

Posted in Events, Latest News.