Van Van A Go Go ! Day 1:

An eventful day 1of the Van Van challenge, saw our intrepid riders set off from Middlewich at 4.40am, setting off early to avoid the Birmingham traffic. This allowed them a chance to stop near Gloucester for a hearty breakfast under favourable skies, before the turn off the M5 onto the A30, where the June-uary weather conspired against them gradually, until, when they finally arrived at lands end at circa 1.30pm to unload, the incessant rain was at theĀ angle equal to the fourth part of a circle.
They were however, heartened to be welcomed by the Provincial Grand Master for the Mark Province of Cornwall, RWBro Peter Furness, and the Prov G Sec Simon Trevans, who not only welcomed them, but presented the Team with a cheque towards the 2024 festival, and a plate of cornish scones, with the jam first, to “show off their fine Cornish cream” which was enjoyed by the team, before they set off on the short but rain swept trip, which tested our waterproofs (sadly they leaked) to Hayle, before a long day 2 ride to Tewkesbury, a mere 222 miles away.
A “soft” day but Mark ingenuity was on hand to dry everything out!
Posted in 2024 Festival, Latest News.