Cheshire Mark Degree and Cheshire and North Wales Allied Degree Worked Together

As the Cheshire Mark Degree enters the last two years of its 2024 Festival the Allied Degree stepped up to support us by presenting us with a cheque for £750.00, the leader in Cheshire and North Wales, Peter Talbot support by his Deputy David Wright presented the cheque at a meeting of Joppa RAM.

Gary Horstman the head of Mark Masons in Cheshire accepted the cheque with grateful thanks for the support shown between the two Degree’s, also present was Austin Bamber, the Deputy in the RAM degree.

Brethren this shows how close all the degrees have worked together, not only to ensure that our Festival will be a success but also to ensure the future of our orders, by working together we can share good ideas and assist each other as we all recover from Covid 19.

Posted in Archive.